Edge of the Empire Circular Character Sheet
I made this character sheet for Edge of the Empire RPG a while ago and never got to use it because I got my hands on a copy of the d6 version of Star Wars – for which I will…
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I made this character sheet for Edge of the Empire RPG a while ago and never got to use it because I got my hands on a copy of the d6 version of Star Wars – for which I will…
Finally finished my one-page landscape version of the 7th edition character sheet (1920s era). Fixed some typos and thickness of the strokes. Maybe now I will make a few different versions to fit other Eras and editions. Download it here…
Here’s a LotFP (Lamentations of the Flame Princess) B/X character sheet! I tried a much simpler approach this time around. When I ran Death Frost Doom I felt that the character sheet was bit too cramped and the players spend…
I spend a lot of time making this 3-page character sheet for Lamentations of the Flame Princess RPG and we ended up using it when I ran The God that Crawls. There’s a page with alternative advancement options making leveling…
Here’s an In Nomine character sheet! For a long I dreamt of running the In Nomine RPG – and still do to be honest. At the time I had a very hard time finding a good looking high resolution copy…
Sooo… I’ve made this random character generator for Into the Odd. It came out pretty well, so feel free to use and abuse it here. The generator is made with pure JavaScript and reflects the original variables of the manual…